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Quotes & Articles
Are You Facing Trials?
If every day of the Christian life were just a walk on easy street, we would have scant cause to lean on God. That’s why, odd as it may seem, God uses our suffering and trials to draw us closer to his heart. The Apostle Peter says not to be surprised when we face a “fiery trial” (1 Pet. 4:12-13).
Such a trial does not mean that we have done something wrong or that God is somewhere else.
We should expect spiritual opposition in a fallen world, but that push back should push us into our Saviour’s arms.
Peter encourages a mature understanding, telling us not to think it’s strange that the world opposes Christians, but also not to waste our trials.
When you learn that God’s presence is strength for trial, his promises are comfort in trouble, and assurance of his sovereign care provides peace that passes understanding, then cry out to him. He will give you sight of his heart – and nearness to it.
Bryan Chapell. Devotional. June 2024
We can do all that God requires of us through His strength.
"I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:12-13)
There is an old story about a son who was tasked with removing some stones from his father’s garden. Try as he might, the boy couldn’t remove the boulders. He returned to his father, saying, “I can’t do it.”
The father told him to give it another try. Then, after a few more unsuccessful attempts, the boy said, “Father, I’ve tried with all I have, and I still don’t have the strength to do what you require.” At this, the boy’s father replied, “You haven’t tried with all your resources, because you haven’t asked me to help.”
That’s a good reminder for us all: We can do all that God requires of us through His strength! Apart from Him we can do nothing (Jn. 15:5), but through Him who strengthens us we can do all things.
Bryan Chapell. Devotional. May 2024
Corporate Worship and What is Truly Important in Life.
Corporate worship is designed to once again clear up our confusion as to what is truly important in life.
In grace, God has designed us to regularly gather together and remember the
things that are worth living for. Corporate worship reminds us of his power, glory,
and grace. It reminds us of the depth of our spiritual needs. It reminds us of the
eternity that is to come. It reminds us of salvation past, present, and future. And as
it reminds us of these things, it clears up our values confusion once again, rescuing
us from our wandering and often-fickle hearts, and pointing us to the One, who,
rightly commands our allegiance and in grace gives us every important thing that
we would ever need.
For further study and encouragement: Hebrews 10:19–25
Paul Tripp - New Morning Mercies.
Don't Believe the False Gospel
Don’t buy the false gospel of self-reliance. If you could make
it without help, Jesus would not have needed to come.
Paul Tripp. New Morning Mercies
Rescue and Response.
God first rescues the people from Egypt [Exodus 20:1-2], and then he gives them the Ten Commandments [Exodus 20:3-17]. Keeping the Ten Commandments is not what saved them; God had already done that. God did not first give the Law and then deliver the people—first he delivered his people, and then he gave them the Law. Thus, we are not saved by the Law, but saved for the Law. The Law is how we conduct our love relationship with God, not the way we merit the relationship. We are saved by faith in Christ’s substitutionary life and death alone.
Tim Keller. Gospel In Life. Devotional. 7th December 2022
Why This Page?
Ian gathers quotes, articles, excerpts and books to create a space for you to peruse and ponder who Christ is and the everyday impact of his Grace on your life.

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